Join our "Web Wizards" competition, where creativity and cutting-edge technology merge to redefine web development. This is your chance to showcase your talents and be a part of the exciting evolution of web development with a mix of AI tools.

Event Details

Round 1 (online): BREW THE SPELL
- All participating teams will showcase their websites in this round.
- Teams will be assessed and selected based on the visual design and website structure.
- Only the selected teams will proceed to the final round.

Final Round 
- The chosen teams from the initial round will compete in the final round, which focuses on web designing using AI tools.
- Teams will be judged on the visual design and website structure created using AI tools.
- Winners and runners-up will be determined based on their performance in this round.
Genral Rules: 
- Teams must not exceed 3 members.
- All online submissions must adhere to the specified deadlines.
- Decisions made by the judges are considered final.
- Plagiarism or any form of cheating is strictly prohibited.
- Teams are responsible for their own equipment and resources needed for the competition.

May the best web wizards emerge victorious in this exciting marketing competition!

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